Very cool. I like the video, it's nice to see some parts of Belgium, makes me feel nostalgic 😁 I've been thinking for so long to do the 75 hard challenge. I've never done it because I have a tendency to over exercise and then get injured and I felt doing a challenge like this would just set me up for something like that. So I like that you're showing us a way to do it gently. You're walking and doing light workouts and I like how you said that you're starting off slower so as not to burn yourself out.

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I appreciate Belgium so much more after leaving and coming back here. 🧡 I think taking it slow and building up is the way to complete the challenge, otherwise it will feel endless if you wear yourself out everyday! I can really recommend, so far I'm loving the challenge. Thank you for watching Sophie!!

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Good job, Marie! It's hard to do things for the first time.

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It is!! But happy I did ❤️ thank you for watching Gloria

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Marie the video is a great idea—it makes me feel like I really know the person writing the posts! And now your words are coming from someone I know! Great job!

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Thank you David!! You motivate me to keep going!!

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Way to go!!! 🙌🏼

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3.8 liters of water is an absurd amount of water on a daily base in a temperate climate.

It's easy to see where the figure comes from, "1 gallon" is something that sounds nice in an elevator pitch, but that's hardly a good reason to take it seriously. It's definitely not backed up scientifically.

As a matter of fact in combination with strenuous exercise and a wrong diet - that means the majority - you could be loosing too many electrolytes.

1 gallon of TOTAL water consumption is even (too) high, and that includes the water in your food (about 20% of daily intake) and all other drinks (coffee, tea, etc).

My advice (as an MD) :

- although ideal intake is individual : 2 l of (pure) water intake is more(!) then enough. Even as a mental strength exercise it is much more useful to learn a (healthy) habit that can be maintained. (which is exactly why most diets - even the healthy ones - only have temporary effects)

- as it is individual, check the colour of your urine : if it's dark , drink more water ...

- the timing is important : make sure you are hydrated before your exercises, top up during the exercise, and very important: rehydrate after exercise. Drink a glass or two when you wake up.

- if you are doing very demanding exercises, you might want to add additional electrolytes (eg sport drinks)

If you still want to do crazy things - have a blood lab after a month or so (sodium, potassium, kalium, ).


- try to build good habits instead of a short drill

- I'd read more than 10 pages , choose a difficult subject you're into - setting yourself a goal of "mastering" a particular subject - mental strength takes many forms...

Good luck 🍀🍀🍀

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Thank you so so much for your imput JohJoh! I've stopped taking the water task so serious because it did indeed feel wrong. Now I include my coffee and tea intake + electrolytes! It feels much better!!

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That's good news...

BTW : your diet is fine, just don't forget to take a small amount of carbohydrates before your exercises.

Good luck with the remainder of your trajectory, it's not easy to keep going in combination with the events of everyday life : work (issues, changes in planning etc), "body challenges" i.e. bad sleep, period, (small) injury.

You've been doing great so far 🍀🍀🍀

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Congrats on getting this first video together and published - and for making it to day 15!

It sounds like a pretty tough challenge, but it sounds you got a strong why behind it even if it feels troublesome at times and you don’t like all aspects of it. I think I started reading the same book some time ago but also did not like it 🤣

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Omg I hate that book 😅 but I'm the type of person that finishes books... haha shooting in my own foot that way. But I'm almost through 🥲

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I used to be like that, too. I am not about difficult to grasp books, but the ones that I simply don’t enjoy or get anything from. I will stop reading them. I see it kind of as a boundary similar to a conversation that you don’t see a point of remaining engaged with ☺️

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Wonderful Marie! Very inspirational- I love that you are committed but keeping it low key and practical.

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Thank you Janet 🧡🧡🧡

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Thank you for the support Sofie 🧡

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Soothing voice you have, what is your dog’s name?

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Good for you! I think it’s a great challenge 💫❤️

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So far I'm still loving the challenge!! Thank you for watching Francesca 🧡

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I love the way Lola encouraged you as you shared your experience about the break up. This has encouraged me to move forward with facing my fears about “talking to the camera”. Keep up the great work in your challenge! God Bless! 💜

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That’s cool I wonder the foods you all will eating..? Being a boyfriend to have access with you would be lovely💜. ❤️🌹🐾

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I was thinking 3 months challenge would the challenge, then thought maybe 30 would be my challenge or a week if you included the gallon a day. Got to move a lot or get bloated. Think about someone working outside would drink for necessity 🌹❤️🐾

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