Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Just wow. I can’t believe there’s anyone out there this honest on their writing. All the best for you, Marie.

Also, goal settings could be very depressing if the result is out of our control. Instead of targeting on how many people will subscribe you, focus on your effort to deliver your content.

You managed to create a content in your hardest time is already a huge achievement, I would say. That’s rude if you don’t count that as an achievement and instead you keep counting numbers which only let you down even more.

Mr Beast doesn’t have a target to be the most subscribed Youtuber on planet Earth. He only wants to make the best videos ever on Youtube.

Yet, he made it anyways.

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Hi Fither, thank you so much for reading and taking the time to leave such a kind comment! You are so right on the goalsetting part. And for now the focus is on doing things and not the numbers indeed. Thanks again!!

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Aug 21Liked by Marie Vandoorne

You’re welcome

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That’s the real achievement. And you're right Fither, even Mr. Beast’s success started with focusing on making great content, not on the numbers. Great advice, thank you for sharing.

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Aug 10Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Glad you like it!

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It will absolutely pass. Spending some time moving your body helps a ton too (I know, I'll show my coaching ass out 😬). Authenticity is key, but I can totally relate to panicking and doing things to 'get results quickly'. I learnt the hard way that that doesn't work too. I think you're doing incredibly well ❤️

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Thank you Maggie ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Agree with Maggie, it's refreshing to read Marie's raw feelings and thoughts.

So many other Substackers pose and stretch the truth. Not Marie. She just tells us as it is, and that is why we will continue to support her, and her journey. 🧡

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Exactly ❤️

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

I love your writing style and how open you've been about the technical and emotional parts of your growth journey. As long as you resonate with your subscribers, the total number is less important.🙂

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So true!! Thank you Dr. April 🧡 For taking the time to read and to leave such a kind comment.

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I really appreciate the raw honesty of this post, and the vulnerability it takes to say you made a mistake and lost your authenticity. I related to this in so many ways, and especially appreciate the reminder that being desperate to hit goals can be a strong factor in losing that connection to what feels authentic. Thank you.

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Thank you Patrick. I'm so happy I decided to share this, it seems to resonate with many people.

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Thanks for honesty, as always, Marie. I'm sure many will resonate with doing something "to reach a goal or tick-box", and then realising after it didn't feel right - but not many can admit so publicly that that's what they did. I too have found that actually removing goals helps me grow, both literally and emotionally. Deep down I know what I want, I know I want to support a lot of people to live mindfully. But I also know, that putting numbers and timescales on it, makes me "desperate" and removes the fun and authenticity from things. So thanks for sharing - it's always good to know you're not alone 🙏

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Thank you so much Lucy!! Your comment means a lot and indeed, many seem to resonate, which makes me even feel better I decided to share this. You are never alone indeed 🧡

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Attitude of Gratitude works wonders...

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gratitude is the key 🔑 🧡

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Good of you to reevaluate, Marie! I think it’s a lot to offer so much for a reasonable monthly subscription and the writing is why we are here in the first place, right? Stay true to yourself! 💛

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I will 🧡 thank you as always Alexis!!

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Beautifully honest Marie. You're one of the first newsletters I found when coming to Substack a few months ago and I'm enjoying your writing more and more.

Thank you for sharing what's on your heart.

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Ooh thank you so much for that compliment Fiona 🥹 means a lot!!

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Marie your beautiful soul shines so bright, and has never lots it's glow for a second. Thank you for being true to yourself, and sharing your honest thoughts with us all. It's so refreshing for humanity to feel such authenticity coming through. Sending you love during this hard time. You WILL get through this and come through so much stronger. 💛

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🧡🧡🧡 thank you so so much Megan.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Thank you for this very raw and vulnerable post, Marie!

It's very easy to turn our words into a pity party when things don't go our way. But sharing the harsh truth when you are struggling is just so brave and I think in the end this is what makes the community more engaged and connected.

I've also been having hard times on Substack after the initial excitement wore off (along with the excitement the algorithm had for me). I was also considering jumping on strategies that didn't feel right.

So this is a very timely reminder that growth is growth, whether steep or very gradual. There will be times of slowdown, but as long as we are true to ourselves, we will keep moving forward :)

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So so so true Milena. Thank you 🧡 It's good to know I'm not alone and this resonates with a lot of people.

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

I really appreciate your honest thoughts, as always. And I can relate to it. I've been writing on Medium as well and as you may know they've got 'the boost' - once I got boosted I started to notice that I was writing for the boost and losing my authentic voice. It's difficult to admit, but once you realize that you're losing your authenticity and you admit it to yourself, that's when we can grow so much!

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Yes! And it's when you admit it, you can return to it. I feel so much freer now after this post than before. It's like a huge weight lifted of my shoulders. Thank you for sharing your experience 🧡 I can imagine the boost function gives a crazy dopamine hit you want to experience again

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Thank you for being so open about sharing your lessons from all this. Your Substack was recommended by Mika as I was restarting my writing. So glad she did. This was helpful.

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Ooh I love Mika 🧡🧡🧡 she is so awesome! I'm glad you enjoy reading and it was helpful. Thank you so much Benny.

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

I wish i could be one of your paid subs. One day, maybe. Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Aline!! I gave you a free trial 🧡

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Aug 21Liked by Marie Vandoorne

Really? Thank u, Marie!

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You are very welcome 😁😁

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Thank you for sharing so honestly, Marie. I think many of us here on Substack, myself included, can really relate to what you've written. Keep going 💫

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Thank you Victoria 🧡🧡 I'll keep going 👊🏻

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Aug 9Liked by Marie Vandoorne

love this

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Thank you Abigail!!

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Thank you for your honesty! It is hard when things are not going as you had hoped. But then I looked at your stats, which tell a different story.

We rarely read about "normal" people's growth on here, only that of the Substack superstars who seem to be able to gain 1000 subs just by hitting the space bar. You are doing great!

I would love growth like yours, and am committing to learning how to make my knowledge into better content, so that I can also do well here. People like you inspire me.

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Hahah getting 1000 subs by hitting the space bar made me laugh out loud 😂 Thank you Freya!! Yes the numbers sometimes still blow my mind as well. Happy I can inspire ❤️

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