I know how you feel - I realized that recently as well. I write about vulnerable things (neurodivergence, mental health struggles) and at first I was terrified of people from my 'real life' finding me. But after a while, I started getting comfortable posting, especially as I saw how it helped the people who read and interacted with my work.

I also realized that those people I was so worried about? They aren't really my people anyway. The online community I'm building is more valuable to me than the random opinions of people I don't even really like. So that made it easier to get vulnerable and push myself to connect.

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It's so easy for anyone to fall into the trap of like, comments, shares, especially when you're seeing positive results of your efforts. It's particularly at that moment is very important to detach yourself from that experience so it doesn't become your whole personality or starts fueling your ego. You have wonderfully described this truth through your personal experience and thank you so much for that. We all can learn a thing or two from this regardless of where we are in our online journey right now. Your presence online is one aspect of life and not your whole life. Thank you for this valuable reminder! 🙏

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It's amazing if you can completely detach yourself from the results you create in creative projects. For instance, it helped me so much to let go of the quality of paintings that I produce. It makes it so much more enjoyable and at the same time leads to much more interesting results. I'm trying to apply the same strategy to my articles, but it's harder since everyone is watching me pouring my soul out haha 😂 getting there.

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Maybe you doing a video plus seeing everyone is on videos, we watch actors on tv all the time, why not watch ourselves and be interested in the person we see more than say a famous action movie star, or romantic comedy..? 🎭

Your writing is influenced by your surroundings, then your people in your head, the ones you confine in. You have a royalty feel.

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The perfect balance is caring about something but also feeling detached from it.

It happened to me when my business started going South. I reduced the time I spent on it, trying to make it work with less effort.

And you know what? It's going better than before...

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